>I've just found a TI PC circa 1983, 8088 cpu but not IBM compatible.
>Can't find any references to it anywhere.
>Is the story of this and the founding of Compaq to be found anywhere >on
>the net. I gather they are related.
>This one came from a very fastidious former TI employee who seems to >have
>accumulated every bit of software for it he could. Includes >UCSD P-system,
>CP/M 86 and Concurrent CP/M 86 as well as all the DOS >compilers of the
Here is all I know about the history of the TI-PC.
The TI-PC was released in 1984 not too long after the world famous TI-99/4A
rolled over & died. The machine itself is a partial IBM-PC clone, but is not
completely compatible as it uses a proprietary disk format (reminds me of an
AT&T PC 6300/6400), & it's own version of DOS (TI-DOS, to be exact). The
machine reportedly had excellent graphics hardware (for the day, anyway), &
one of the best early PC keyboards anywhere. I have only seen one of these
things "in the flesh", & that was a few years ago (either 1997 or 1998) in a
getting repaired (!) in a Radio Shack. Despite all this, however, the
machine failed to sell in large quantities & was abandoned by TI in less
than a year.
David Vohs, Digital Archaeologist & Computer Historian.
Computer Collection:
"Triumph": Commodore 64C, 1802, Double FDD, GeoRam 512, Okimate 20.
"Leela": Macintosh 128 (Plus upgrade), Nova SCSI HDD, Imagewriter II.
"Delorean": TI-99/4A.
"Monolith": Apple Macintosh Portable.
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