Hamfests, Amiga Drives (was: Re: dumpster diving and other sources , of goodies

From: Ethan Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon Feb 14 17:19:59 2000

--- "Charles P. Hobbs" <transit_at_primenet.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Gary Hildebrand wrote:
> > At one hamfest I found 19 used DSDD 3.5" drives for $30. These are the
> > standard Amiga drive, but useless anywhere else.
> Was that $30 for the *lot*? Geez, I've seen these drives go for $30
> *each*. . .

That _is_ a good price if it was for the lot. If anyone is looking for
a similar item, I have a box of Sony MP-F11W-72 drives, 720K DSDD 3.5"
floppies for various Tandy boxes, including the Tandy 1000. One catch: they
don't have a power connector. They draw power over the 34-pin data cable.
Typically, floppies have grounds on the odd pins; this one scopes out thusly...

 1 NC (uninstalled jumper at RJ1 (GND) and R1 (?))
 3 NC (uninstalled jumper at RJ3 (GND)) (FAQ claims +5VDC)
 5-11 +5VDC
13-19 GND
29,31 NC (uninstalled jumper at RJ7 (GND)) (FAQ claims +12VDC)
33 NC (FAQ claims +12VDC)

(cf. the Tandy 1000 FAQ - http://www.oldskool.org/~tvdog/1kfaq.html#II.C )

There is a space for a power connector, but it is not installed. If you feel
like migrating a connector from a dead floppy, it's doable, but for non-Tandy
use, a modified cable might be the better solution.

I got these from the Dayton Hamfest in a "you want one, you take the box"
deal from the local Radio Shack guys that used to have a great booth in
the white tent in the corner of the flea market. I will never use more
than one or two of them. Now's your chance to stock up on bizarre Tandy


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Received on Mon Feb 14 2000 - 17:19:59 GMT

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