Hamfests, Amiga Drives (was: Re: dumpster diving and other sources , of goodies

From: Marvin <marvin_at_rain.org>
Date: Sun Feb 13 19:02:41 2000

"Charles P. Hobbs" wrote:
> I often go to the TRW hamfest in Redondo Beach, CA.
> (http://linex-w6trw.sp.trw.com/w6trw/swapmeet/swap.htm). Generally lots of
> good stuff, although it's been quiet on the 8-bit front as of late (lots
> of old Mac and PC stuff, though). And there's always the same old guys
> selling the same old radio for the same old price, month after month. . .

Okay, why is it you haven't stopped by to say Hi :)??? John has two spots
reserved, IIRC G22 and G24, and we are always looking to meet members of the
list. We even head over to Coco's for lunch afterward to swap lies. There
has almost always been a lot of interesting stuff there and my goal is to
sell as much as I buy :). Stop by and say Hi!!!

Just to remind everyone, it is the last Saturday of each month at the corner
(essentially) of Aviation and Marine officially starting about 7:30 but
actually starting about 6:00 AM in the sellers parking lot.
Received on Sun Feb 13 2000 - 19:02:41 GMT

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