(DG/ADM) ASR-33 Question

From: John Allain <jallain_at_databaseamerica.com>
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:44:58 2000

Owen Robertson asked:
> various ASR-33/DG Nova/ADM-3A connectivity questions.

For the record, Many, many terminals in the 70's and 80's
were all co-compatible. The two standards involved here
are current loop and RS-232. I'll let others talk about
current loop. RS-232 can be regarded as basically PC
serial (hope nobody loses lunch over the PC reference)
using a 25 pin instead of 9 pin connector.
Most terminals and mini's were all RS232 that I dealt with.
(current loop tended to look real different -- four screw
terminals, not pins) The bottom line I'd like to reach
here is that It doesn't HAVE to be an ADM to work with the
DG. There were dozens of other manufacturers.
It can even be a PC running ?Kermit? with the appropriate
connector. Next?

John A.
Received on Tue Feb 15 2000 - 11:44:58 GMT

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