DEC M7551 question

From: Daniel T. Burrows <>
Date: Tue Feb 15 12:06:53 2000

I use them on 11/73's with all switches off.

Subject: DEC M7551 question

>I recently acquired a DEC M7551 (4Mb memory) board for my 11/23+. I
>installed the board, but the system traps while doing the power-on memory
>test. Unfortunately, I don't have any documentation for the board and I'm
>not sure if I have the jumpers/switches set correctly. It could be that the
>board is just dead, but I'd like make sure before I give up. If someone
>could forward me the settings, it would be greatly appreciated.
>Bill King
Received on Tue Feb 15 2000 - 12:06:53 GMT

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