Source code for BASIC

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Feb 16 00:10:13 2000

--- Richard Erlacher <> wrote:
> I doubt, somehow, that you could classify what's in the ROMs in an ATARI or
> COMMODORE as source code.

No, but there's reverse-engineered source at
And it has already demonstrated to be ROMable.
The problem is that any 6502 BASIC I have ever
worked with is very hardware and firmware
dependent. It is, however, a place to start.

If this proves insufficient, I can probably
dredge up some stuff off of an official C=
Assembler disk I got from them in 1982 to
develop for the C-64. I know there's some
source code there; I forget what it covers.


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Received on Wed Feb 16 2000 - 00:10:13 GMT

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