Source code for BASIC

From: <(>
Date: Wed Feb 16 12:29:59 2000

>Tim Shoppa mentioned having some early MS source on AFC.
>What exactly do you have, Tim?

I've got MBASIC 5.11 sources. This is relatively late in
MBASIC's life (about the time it was being ported to the 8086) but there
are comments in there referring back to 1975.

I've also got home-grown disassemblies of several other Microsoft products from
the late 1970's, though these are hardly "official".

If someone's looking for a BASIC to run on their SBC, I think I'd go
with one of the Tiny BASIC's out there myself that comes with sources. or another good old Simtel mirror would be a good place
to start a search.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email:
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Wed Feb 16 2000 - 12:29:59 GMT

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