Send/Receive (BAUDOT) in GWBASIC (was Ham Stats)

From: <(>
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:06:06 2000

On 2000-02-16 said to
 cl>Hi Gang:
 cl>Further to this discussion of 5 bit characters on a DL11, this was
 cl>also possible on the PCjr. I wrote a BASIC send/receive RTTY
 cl>program for the PCjr in 1985. It used an esoteric mode of the
 cl>particular serial chip on the PCjr, to support 5 data bits and 1.5
 cl>stop bits. The DTR pin of the serial port was used to toggle the
 cl>radio from transmit to receive. My modem was homebrew, built around
 cl>an XR2211 (IIRC) chip. I still have the modem buried in the
 cl>crawlspace somewhere.

This was also possible with the serial port of a regular PC. I have been
running a RTTY BBS on 144 MHz for 10 years, based on a TRS-80 Model I
program I ported to the PC and extended. My program even had an interface
to the nearest packet radio BBS, so RTTY users could exchange mail with
packet users, and later the system could also communicate in CW (morse
code) so you could send emails without having a computer. But nobody uses
RTTY anymore, and even CW is on the decline, so I have taken the BBS down,
no more users.

Kees Stravers - Geldrop, The Netherlands -  My home page       Info on old DEC VAX computers
Net-Tamer V 1.08.1 - Registered
Received on Thu Feb 17 2000 - 10:06:06 GMT

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