Last week I finally took an afternoon to peruse the surplus depot at my
local university. I had to make two trips because they don't take cash,
only checks and money orders. As a result of leaving, I missed out on a
VAXstation 3100-42 for $10, but the guy left the two disk boxes behind (total
of three RZ-57 drives).
They have a wad of Macs of various models in various states. I picked up a
Mac IIci for $5 with an Apple video card, 8Mb RAM, 230Mb disk and Asante
Ethernet; and a Mac IIcx with only a video card for another $5 (mostly for
a spare PSU) I've been looking for a IIci for a while because I was using
my brother's old one when it died on me. Now I can return it to him in working
condition. If I really felt like it, they had a couple of Quadra 605s for $25,
one with memory and disk, one without. Neither had ethernet so I left them
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Received on Sun Feb 20 2000 - 12:30:46 GMT