IBM 4381 Avbl in South Australia

From: David C. Jenner <>
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:26:22 2000

Looks to me like you would have to buy the 3.9 MWatt diesel powerplant
to run the IBM 4381 setup.

In fact, this whole place looks like it could be a great buy. You could
make it into a "Classic Computer Resort", and fly people in for vacations
or sabbaticals. (There must be an airfield that goes with it, too?
Maybe even a few C-5As?)

Maybe we could pool our resources and make a bid on the whole place?


Geoff Roberts wrote:
> Anyone able to tell me something about this type of system? It's about 300
> miles north of me, and I'm considering
> submitting a tender for it. Some idea of it's value, probably as scrap
> (since that's who I'd probably be bidding against)
> would be good. FWIW, I personally feel it is historically significant in
> view of the job it did and worthy of preservation.
> The system is from the (now closed) Joint US/Australian Space Defense
> facility at Nurrungar, near Woomera.
> ('Way out in the desert of northern South Australia.)
> The entire place is up for sale by tender, houses, buildings, radomes,
> dishes, power & AC plant etc - plus the
> IBM Mainframe that did all the data processing.
> Quote:
> "The Data Reduction Centre used the IBM 4381 Computer System to process and
> record infrared data detected by satellite and transmitted by the Satellite
> Tracking Station (SRS). The raw Satellite data was relayed through a variety
> of computers and electronic equipment and finally to the DRC's IBM 4381
> mainframe computers. The mainframe computers each had dual processors: a
> support processor and an instruction processor. The processors filtered out
> any spurious data by comparing the data against pre programmed event
> criteria. Data that were not needed were discardedwhile data that met
> certain criteria were formatted and sent to the SOC for further evaluation,
> this time by human beings."
> End quote.
> There are numerous pics of the the system at:-
> If you click on one of the thumbnails it will show a large version of the
> pic with a next button to go through all of them.
> If you want to see the other stuff that's on offer take a look at :-
> Cheers
> Geoff Roberts
> Computer Systems Manager
> Saint Mark's College
> Port Pirie, South Australia.
> Email:
> ICQ #: 1970476
Received on Mon Feb 21 2000 - 21:26:22 GMT

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