Thrift store finds...

From: Aaron Christopher Finney <>
Date: Tue Feb 22 16:18:50 2000

Book day today...I passed up 15 books I would have liked to have but was
too stingy to shell out the $$$ for. What I did pick up is:

Electronic data Processing, E. Wainright Martin, 1961.

Intel Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook, vol.2, 1987.

68000 Assembly Language Programming, Kane/Hawkins/Leventhal, 1981.

Motorola MC68020 User's Manual, 1984.

I also grabbed a couple of genuine Apple mousepads and a Macally clone
keyboard for $2. They also had an HP terminal keyboard, but no terminal.
I'm keeping my eyes open...


Received on Tue Feb 22 2000 - 16:18:50 GMT

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