HP 2xxx stuff

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Fri Feb 25 20:07:25 2000

Hi All,

  The owner is in Roanoke, Va. He's been selling^H^H^H^H^H^H^H listing a
lot of HP stuff on E-bay. Most of it he knows nothing about and claims
that it "appears to work". After some discussion with him, I found that
"appears to work" means that the fan comes on but nothing else does! So
watch out. Based on my conversations with him, I don't think he's
interested in selling anything off of E-bay, unless maybe after it got no
bids. He's listed a couple of HP 1000s, a HP 9825 and a HP 9845 that I
know of.

  My $.02 worth,

At 01:59 PM 2/25/00 -0800, you wrote:
>HP 2xxx stuff
>Just received this from someone who posted a paper tape punch on eBay.
>I asked if he had anything else. Someone on the East Coast may be able
>to work something out with him.
>"From: Craig Smith <ip500_at_roanoke.infi.net>
>Reply-To: ip500_at_roanoke.infi.net
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: Al Kossow <aek_at_spies.com>
>Subject: Re: HP 2100 parts
>References: <200002251910.LAA28768_at_spies.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Hi Al,
>No 2100 series stuff available but I do have a fair bit of 21MX and
>HP 1000 [series E and F] computers and pieces around. Also just hit the
>motherload on 2100 documentation----binders full! Am in the process of
>sorting it all out. What are you in need of and are you close enough to
>Roanoke for some heavy stuff. I've got a number of NICE rack cabinets
>and a bunch of the big floor model disc drives in storage and rack mount
>disc controllers. Also 2 or 3 of the 7970?? Reel to Reel
>data recorders [HEAVY!!]. Lots of 2640 terminals and some of the later
>terminals for the 3000 series.
>I'm cleaning out a warehouse full of stuff I recently bought and really
>am not sure of total numbers of stuff that will be available [or what
>else is in there] Every day is a new find. Let me know what your looking
>for and I'll do some digging.
> Regards, Craig
Received on Fri Feb 25 2000 - 20:07:25 GMT

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