[OT] Re: DSL Coming -- I may need help! : My ranting :)

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Mon Feb 28 22:05:35 2000

<To add insult to injury, here in Pac*Hell land both PB and Covad consider
<DSL to be a "best effort" service; if they can't get it to work they can
<just walk away from the deal.

Or here 25mi west of Boston where I can nearly see the CO and BellAtlantic
says "soon" which translates to, your small fry, we can't bother.

In the meantime I have RCN ringing the doorbell every week for cable,
broadband and phone... I hold little interest in cable modem as I can
see that loading up and getting bogged down.

Received on Mon Feb 28 2000 - 22:05:35 GMT

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