At 02:15 29-02-2000 -0500, you wrote:
>(I don't have DSL but...) I think the point is that the quality varies and
>there are no guarantees. I have a friend who moved to Ann Arbor, MI, a
Ok. For the benefit of all concerned, I'll run some stats for the first
couple of weeks or so and see what I get. Connection speed and number of
hops to the backbone will take priority in the listing.
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies // E-mail:
Amateur Radio: WD6EOS since Dec. '77
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our
own human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Tue Feb 29 2000 - 08:39:44 GMT