Your dream computer room.

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Sat Jul 1 08:59:20 2000

> Have they released new vesrions of the Eddy Electron film, so that it
> now covers ethernet networking and proper network cabling? If not,
> I'd be inclined to suspect that this and other newer information
> hasn't been well enough proven to warrant the creation of a new movie.
> After all, we know that the Eddy Electron film is the one true source
> of authoritative introductory information about what electrons do,
> right? Everyone here did see this classic in their 10th grade
> high-school (or whatever the equivalent of the first year of high
> school is in other countries) electronics class, right? ;-)

Was this the film that established that:

        1) electrons are blue
        2) protons are red
        3) neutrons are green

Received on Sat Jul 01 2000 - 08:59:20 BST

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