Time spent Looking VS time spent "Playing"

From: Larry Anderson <foxnhare_at_jps.net>
Date: Sat Jul 1 23:41:35 2000

> From: "FBA" <fauradon_at_mn.mediaone.net>
> To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 9:07 AM
> Subject: Time spent Looking VS time spent "Playing"
> > How much time do you devote searching for old machines?
Quite a bit, bot "old machines" per se, but classic computng related materials.

> > How much time "Playing" (fixing, using etc...) these machines?
> I've been trying to fit in more time playing with the C128. How many hours
> a week, I can't precisely say. But I probably spend as much time playing
> per week as I do looking, if not more....

This last year has been pretty miserable for me, my BBS (runs on a
Commodore 64, which is my most active "classic activity") was literally
down for months and ignored for a year. Tax return time did bring it
back to life with a high speed modem and 20mghz accellerator, but it is
still in need of programmatic overhaul to use the accellerator and my
network feeds aree still stranded in Washington... :P Also my (classic
computing) web pages needs updating (usually reserved for holidays but I
will have to wait on that too).

But I have collected lots of stuff to play with later (how many of us
say that and know we have too much "stuff" and not enough "later"...) I
hope in august to have available time to put more life into my classics...

I must protest on the concentration of the aquiring of computers, I have
had time to divide up my hobby into several categories (where the
"collecting computers" bit is actually kinda small):

  Hardware (peripherals, etc)
  Computer Books and Magazines
  Computing Ephemera (ads, reciepts, pins, t-shirts, games, toys, etc.)
  (see books, magazines, above...)
  Reading Technical Information via Internet
  Contacting People related to classic computing
  Web Pages
  Posting/responding in newsgroups, Maillists (like this one)
  Also web Ppge
  Running a Classic BBS or Classic Display
  Rambling on about how bad off the world is without good computer
education in schools...
        (as in usage, programming, electonics, not just CAI)
Received on Sat Jul 01 2000 - 23:41:35 BST

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