Tim's own version of the Catweasel/Compaticard/whatever

From: Tim Mann <mann_at_pa.dec.com>
Date: Wed Jul 5 19:14:13 2000

I sent a message to Dick off-list that covers a question raised
on-list, so I'll forward it here in case anyone else is interested.

> From: mann_at_pa.dec.com (Tim Mann)
> It's definitely possible to pull the crystal oscillator on a Catweasel
> and substitute another frequency. Jens (the designer) sent me an email
> mentioning that he'd put a 40 MHz clock in one for a test he was doing -- he
> connected it directly to the output of an Amiga's floppy disk controller
> in order to find out for sure where the FDC was applying write precomp.
> I don't know when or if I'll get around to trying to change the crystal
> myself, but I'll definitely let you know if I do. I might also forward
> some of the mail we've been exchanging to Jens and see if that makes him
> think about supplying a different crystal as standard. It would seem
> that something with a factor of 3 in it would be best, since the 300 kHz
> data rate used for 5" double density in a 360 RPM drive should be
> accommodated too.

Tim Mann tim.mann_at_compaq.com http://www.tim-mann.org
Compaq Computer Corporation, Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, CA
Received on Wed Jul 05 2000 - 19:14:13 BST

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