Apple II keep list

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Sat Jul 8 07:34:52 2000

On Sat, 8 Jul 2000, Mike Ford wrote:

> IIc+, more powerfull than the IIc, but in some ways less collectible (no
> idea why), still $45 for a complete system is fairly common.

I don't know where you get that impression from. How so?

They're just not as common as the //c, which makes them more scarce.
Non-Apple people might not know the difference between a //c and a //c+
and realize the //c+ is a way cool machine.

> Fast SCSI cards, much faster, only card that supports removable media.
> Apple Rev C SCSI cards, but much less so than Fast SCSI.
> Workstation cards

I'd like a SCSI and Workstation card too (make that two so I can at least
connect two machines together).

Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...

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Received on Sat Jul 08 2000 - 07:34:52 BST

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