Tandy DMP 430 Wide Printer Available

From: David Williams <dlw_at_trailingedge.com>
Date: Sun Jul 9 18:12:44 2000

I'm sorting through and clearing out a few things but first I have a
Tandy DMP 430 printer. It's one of the 132 col printers. It also has
one of those noise-reducing printer cabinets. It's pretty big and
heavy so free to anyone in the Houston, TX area that would like to
pick it up. I guess I could ship it if someone really, really wanted it
but it would be costly I think and a pain. I picked it up with a
bunch of other stuff and have never tried it out so it's as is.

David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Sun Jul 09 2000 - 18:12:44 BST

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