Need Freon TF Substitute for Head Cleaning

From: Bill Dawson <>
Date: Tue Jul 11 18:33:01 2000

-> On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Bill Dawson wrote:
-> > still readily available. If you want a small amount, about 1 pint,
-> > send me a Nalgene bottle, or a quality plastic bottle that won't be
-> > attacked by the Trichlor, or a steel can, etc., and I'll
-> send you some
-> > back for the cost of postage. Of course, I wouldn't turn
-> down a small
-> > donation for my time. I use it mainly for defluxing boards or
-> > degreasing/cleaning.
-> Um, before you do that, please know that is is most probably
-> illegal to
-> send such a substance through the mail. I'd check with the
-> post office
-> and different carriers before you just sent a bottle of that
-> stuff off.
-> Sellam

I'd considered that before making the offer, but AFIK there is no
problem. It is not flammable or explosive and if it would happen to
leak it will just rapidly evaporate. Besides, in a small quantity it is
classified ORM-D. Safest shipping is via UPS Ground in an approved box.


Bill Dawson
Be not the first by whom the new are tried,
Nor yet the last to lay the old aside.

        Essay on Criticism, Alexander Pope
Received on Tue Jul 11 2000 - 18:33:01 BST

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