I have placed the Intel 8080 Macro [Cross] Assembler, the Interp-80
Simulator, and the PLM-80 Compiler in my web storage area. I've placed
a tiny page at:
from which you can download the source files.
As these filename extensions imply, these programs are Fortran-IV
(some call it Fortran 66) source code. The files are in ASCII
with CR & LF line termination. The MAC80 source still includes
its program sequence numbers in columns 72-80; the other files
no longer have the sequence numbers; I'm not sure how that came
to be, whether I never had copies with sequence numbers, or if
I stripped them to make them wasier to work with on slow serial
They may display incorrectly in your browser unless you add a
MIME filetype for .FTN files that's otherwise identical to .TXT
files. For IE user, just right-click on each link on the page
and select "Save target as..." and save to your favorite location.
After examining them, these do not appear to have the extensions
I recall adding (although there are some non-standard changes to
MAC80), so they may well not have the bugfixes either. The copies
I worked most closely with were the CDC6600 and DEC-10 ports. I
should have those, but they're trapped on CDC 9-track tapes, and
I haven't yet remembered how to use Prime's MAGNET program to
read them successfully.
Feel free to download the code. It's copyrighted by Intel, but
I intend on asking Teresa Knezek to add them to the Abandonware
list, and to contact Intel for permission to make them freely
available under hobbyist license. Grab now, if I get a cease-
and-desist letter, I'll have to pull them off immediately.
-doug quebbeman
Received on Fri Jul 14 2000 - 08:35:48 BST