Java Exidy Sorcerer Emulator

From: David Williams <>
Date: Tue Jul 18 09:25:27 2000

> I couldn't find an obvious email address for him (stripping off
> "/Sorcerer" takes you to *someone's* home page, but it doesn't
> mention Sorcerer, so I'm not sure it's Philip.

Sorry, his email address on the original message to me was

> On my PC (win 98), with Netscape 4.7, the majority of the
> special characters don't work (i.e., they appear blank and
> don't move the cursor when double-quote (")).
> Some work, but differently. (Shift 2 (or was it shift-3?)
> got me a double quote (instead of the "_at_" (or #)). Also,
> backspace doesn't seem to work.

Yes, I noticed that too. Have to look at my Sorcerer keyboard to
check some of the locations of the special characters. I have an
Aquarius emulator that treats the keyboard the same way, shift-2
is the " character, etc. I've asked if I can post the source on my
Sorcerer pages. On a related note, some else in the UK has just
send me a copy of a DOS Sorcerer emulator he has been working
on. I'd like to see about getting this on my Sorcerer pages as well.
Now if I can only get some drives and CP/M for my real live

David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Tue Jul 18 2000 - 09:25:27 BST

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