Repair or Replace?

From: <(>
Date: Wed Jul 19 08:03:49 2000

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Mike Ford wrote:

> >Incidentally, an analogue multimeter can be more use than a digital one
> >for some work. It's a lot better at showing trends, indicating when the
> >amplitude of a signal is peaking, etc. Accuracy is not that important in
> >most repairs -- certainly +/-5% is easily good enough for most work.
> I still have my big Simpson VTVM, but one of the surplus joints in town has
> a bunch (dozens) of HP (I think) FET versions, the ones that used to be so
> common in labs about 8" tall, 5" wide, and maybe 5" deep with a nice wide
> mirror scale etc. Any sane reason I should get a few of them?

Yes. The simpson is an excellent meter but it is a VOM and it places a
load on the circuit under test of 20,000*(volts scale in use). Some
circuits don't like this and a fet VM presents a high resistance load
(11megohms typical). It's worth having, especially if they are cheap.

Received on Wed Jul 19 2000 - 08:03:49 BST

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