Switching PSU Theory of Operation / Repair Tips & Techniques

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Mon Jul 24 10:55:26 2000

My Prime 2455's PSU died last week. A replacement has been
offered and will undoubtedly arrive sooner than a repair
will take place. But I have to deep-six this monster, as
they just don't make them anymore, and buying a used one
from a reseller is likely to be cost prohibitive.

So, I'd like to eventually repair it. It's a monster, and
potentially lethal. From poking around with a voltmeter,
I can see that it chops the AC to DC and doubles the voltage
to about 280 volts, one positive supply, one negative supply.

>From there, I'm lost. Has anyone every written up a general
description of troubleshooting and repair techniques? Is it
even possible for devices that vary in design not only from
manufacturer to manufacturer, but wven model to model?

-doug quebbeman
Received on Mon Jul 24 2000 - 10:55:26 BST

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