Weekly finds

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Thu Jul 27 03:22:51 2000

Besides bringing home a couple VT420 and the TK50 tapes, I found some other
curious stuff.

SweetP nifty little plotter I used back in 1983, explitive deleted missing
the pen holder, but otherwise looks OK.

A LOAD of printer ribbons, boxes of a dozen, single ribbons, too many to
sort just yet. I may just take a couple pictures and put the mess on my web
site. DEC, QUME, Epson, NEC, a bunch, most nicely still sealed in bags.

Another big box of bulk floppys (5.25").

1/2 gallon of Medieval madness, not 10 yrs old, but I think I will go try a

(4) 1 MB 32 pin simms

Couple Sun IPC boxes, misc cables including a couple 13W3 to BNC adapters.
Received on Thu Jul 27 2000 - 03:22:51 BST

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