Roger Merchberger wrote:
> Rumor has it that Mike may have mentioned these words:
> >From: Sellam Ismail <>
> >Subject: Chieftain or Gimix?
> >
> >
> >There's two I'd kinda like to buy or swap time on... I have some TSC
> >software that might work fine on them. Were there derivitave OSes for
> >either of them?
> >
> >One Cheiften passed by a long time ago on ebay and advertised a 68000
> >processor. Cool.
> I've drooled over a Gimix ever since I saw the first ad for them *way* back
> in HotCoCo - They were multiuser/multitasking 6809-based machines that ran
> OS-9 Level 1 & 2. Some of the later boxes came with 512K RAM (*long* before
> the CoCo3...)
> I could give one a *very* good home... ;-)
Worked with a Gimix Ghost at a small company (ran OS9LII) we had 12 serial
ports and 2 parallel ports. It got me started with OS9. I have 3 6809
systems and 2 68K systems that run OS9 (and OSK). We also had 3 additional
SWTPC systems running the Flex OS. I have some Flex disks around here
for the 68K machine too. Wish I had those SWTPC system (SSDD hard sectored
8?" disks though). It's where I learned paper punch, hi/lo speeds tts and
baudot. We used to go as low as 27.5 bps (or someother ungodly number,
current loop of course).
Linux Home Automation Neil Cherry (Text only) (Graphics) (SourceForge)
Received on Fri Jul 28 2000 - 23:57:37 BST