Scanning microfiche?

From: Clint Wolff <>
Date: Sun Jul 30 12:36:34 2000

Hi John,

If you make copies of the documentation available for free,
most likely the worst you will get is a nasty-gram from
Compaq's lawyers say stop that.

OTOH, if you start selling the copies, you will probably
be charged with criminal copyright violations, and the
penalties are quite severe (including jail time).

The best thing to do if you want to sell copies is to
contact Compaq, and negotiate a royalty agreement. Since this
could be quite expensive, I am considering make the documentation
available to a small group of people (listmembers), and hope
Compaq doesn't notice (or mind). Care should also be taken
not to make available documents which are currently available
from Compaq for purchase.


On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, John Foust wrote:

> Assuming you're scanning old DEC fiche, might there be a way
> to reduce the cost by making the final electronic copies
> available for sale to others? It might also make sense to
> put the collection online and sell subscriptions or one-shot
> looks to view it. Or does Compaq refuse to allow
> redistribution of these old docs?
> - John
Received on Sun Jul 30 2000 - 12:36:34 BST

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