4004 manual needed (fwd)

From: Vintage Computer Festival <vcf_at_siconic.com>
Date: Mon Jul 31 20:36:28 2000

Can anyone help this guy out? Apparently, he's from Brazil. It's cool to
see folks down in South America getting into the Classic Computer thing.

Reply-to: gandalf.the.wizard_at_zipmail.com.br

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 16:13:15 -0300
From: gandalf.the.wizard_at_zipmail.com.br
To: vcf_at_vintage.org
Subject: Old Manual


  Congratulations for your home page! It is really the best resource I've
seen about old computers. I am looking for a electronic version (.pdf, .doc,
etc.) of the manual of the MCS-4 kit. As I know it was based on Intel 4004
microprocessor, used the 4001 ROM and 4002 RAM. I found some scanned pages
of data sheets of these chips at http://www.piercefuller.com/collect/i4004/,
but could not find the manual of the entire kit. I also find some parts
of the manual, but they were not complete. Some chapters and tables were
missing. (http://digiweb.com/~hansp/ccc/machines/mcs-4/index.htm). I also
searched Intel's site, but found nothing.
   I will apreciate any help you can give. Thank you.

Best regards,

     Ricardo Mecelis

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Sellam International Man of Intrigue and Danger
Looking for a six in a pile of nines...

                       VCF 4.0 is September 30-October 1
               San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California
                    See http://www.vintage.org for details!
Received on Mon Jul 31 2000 - 20:36:28 BST

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