Updated Dilog contact information

From: Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com>
Date: Thu Jun 1 00:37:12 2000

>Delivered-To: cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com
>From: Jack Olson <jacko_at_dilog.com>
>To: "'cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com'" <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com>
>Subject: FW: DLI MOVE
>Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 09:27:09 -0700
>From: Jack Olsen
>Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 11:35 AM
>To: Jack Olsen
>Subject: DLI MOVE
>If you've tried to reach us in the last couple of months, you probably
>sense that there is something going on. Well you're right. The facility
>that we have been occupying in Irvine for the last eight years was sold to
>a church. So we had to relocate.
>We found the perfect site only 3 miles away in the city of Tustin and
>proceeded to make what was supposed to be a seamless move to our
>new digs the first week in March. Well, it wasn't so seamless. The first
>problem was that even though we are close to the old place, the new one
>was in a different area code, so we had to change telephone and fax
>OK, the telephone company will take care of referrals from the old to
>the new number. However, a good amount of our communications with
>our customers was via email. Now you have to understand our internal
>network and connections. We have a Novel system for file, print, email
>and Internet access. the Novel is connected to a Linux firewall Internet
>gateway. The Linux accesses the Internet every 15 minutes during the
>day to retrieve and send email for the company, then delivers it to our
>desk with Microsoft exchange. Nice working system.
>No problem. Just disconnect the parts at the old place, and reconnect at
>the new, plug into the wall and run. Right? - - Wrong. The Novel
>systems disk decided that it didn't like the climate at it's new home and
>proceeded to show its displeasure with a series of strange metal against
>metal sounds. No problem, we have a Libra library backup system and
>are fully backed up. Put on the new disk and restore the Novel system.
>Well, the Libra is one of the first ever made and has been chugging
>away everyday since we originally installed it. The DAT drive went on
>strike and had to be replaced. Once that was done we found out how
>important it is to remember where one packs the backup tape set.
>OK its now late March, the Novel server is up and running, but the
>building Ethernet wiring is not correct. Emails are being received
>sporadically. Bob gets the building wiring squared away and all is
>looking well when we receive a registered letter from Concentric, our
>Internet service provider telling us that they are discontinuing our dial-
>up account on Apr. 24.
>Time to enter the 21st century - we proceed to order an enhanced DSL
>service. They can't install until May 1. Call Concentric and see if they
>will stretch our disconnect date until then. Officially they cannot agree
>to do this. Unofficially it is done - Thank You Concentric. On May 1,
>our DSL is installed - but we are given the wrong network connection
>card to the Linux system. Got the correct card - DSL works - WOW -
>real time mail delivery.
>So now we're here in our new facility with a fully operational LAN and
>If you had some trouble reaching us, we apologize. We are here for you
>and are now fully accessible via phone - at our new number, fax - at our
>new number, or email and web page at the same number.
>Phone 714-508-1040, fax 714-508-1050,
>email info_at_dilog.com, www.dilog.com.
>So remember, same great products for Qbus and Unibus, -
>Same support, -
>New digs. -
>Give us a call.
>The DLI crew
Received on Thu Jun 01 2000 - 00:37:12 BST

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