DEC power control? How do it know?

From: Clint Wolff <>
Date: Sat Jun 3 20:11:56 2000

Hi Chuck,

I have a few extra DEC power controllers, with the outlets and
the 3 plug do-hickey's.

Contact me OL if you want one (or two)...


PS anybody can contact me if they want one... standard 1.2 * shipping

On Fri, 2 Jun 2000, Chuck McManis wrote:

> Ok, I'm cobbling together a PDP-11 and I ran out of slots on my BA11 so I
> put a bus extender into it and plugged that into a BA23. The system works
> fine (thank you micronotes!) but I'd like to figure out how I could set it
> up so that powering up the 11 powered up both the BA11 and the BA23. Now I
> know the little 3 plug do-hickey (I think it is a mate-n-lock) normally
> connects to a power sequencer in the rack, but I don't have one of those.
> Is there any way to make it work otherwise?
> --Chuck
Received on Sat Jun 03 2000 - 20:11:56 BST

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