Where the cool stuff is (was: Re: DEC Vaxstation II GPX needs a home)

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Wed Jun 7 13:59:36 2000

> Jason McBrien wrote:
> > How come all the cool stuff is on the west coast?
> Huh? How come all the unused Floating Point Systems stuff is
> in the midwest and all the Sequents are in Florida? :-)

Speaking of which, I see no one bid on this one:

: At any rate, the system is a Floating Point Systems model 164
: vector processor. It is currently for sale on the E-Bay auction site.
: The URL to the item on E-Bay is:
: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=333251248
: The page includes photos of the unit, and if you are an E-bay
: registered user, you can contact the seller to ask questions.

FWIW, it's still in E-Bay's database, and the photos still

-doug q
Received on Wed Jun 07 2000 - 13:59:36 BST

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