Dave McGuire wrote:
> When I say "changed very little" I meant compared to certain other
> models of car we see on the roads these days. Certainly there are
> dozens to hundreds of changes every year or couple of years...I have
> an '83 and a '95, and they're very different cars. But, to the
> non-911-geek, to see them sitting next to each other in a parking
> lot, they're damn near identical.
Without a doubt. That the stylistic lines are essentially the same
as they were in 1966 is nothing short of amazing. I suppose some
Mercedes come close to the same phenomina, but I can't think of
a single care from a US, Italian, French, British or Japanese
manufacturer that's been that timeless. Well, okay, the 2CV, but
I did say *car*... :-)
Chris Kennedy
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Received on Mon Jun 19 2000 - 12:00:51 BST