Thrift Store find: Apple IIgs

From: <(>
Date: Tue Jun 20 14:58:00 2000

In a message dated Tue, 20 Jun 2000 11:03:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Ethan Dicks <> writes:

I have a variety of Apple II machines (I used to make my living on them
long, long ago) and my little brother, an avid thrifter, found a IIgs
for me this week. ISTR there are multiple varieties; this one appears
to be fairly old. It has a memory card inside with 256K of RAM soldered
down, and spaces for another .75Mb. The ROM is version 1.0.

Just playing around, I figured out how to get into the config menu and
set background colors, 80 column, etc. I happened to have an external
5.25" Laser drive I got with my $15 IIc+ and was able to boot up the
only DOS 3.3 disk I could find - Zork I.

So... now that I have two machines that want to have 3.5" drives and
no copies of DOS 3.3 on that medium, is it possible to aquire it anywhere?
I have Macs, etc., so I can make a 3.5" disk from an Apple disk image
if that's what it takes.

Also, are there any ways I can expand this puppy? I happen to have a
couple of old Apple double disk drives (the kind that came with the IIe);
does anyone know of a diagram to make an adapter for the 19-pin connector
that the newer computers take?

sounds like you have the original model GS with 256k. later ones such as mine have ROM 03 and 1 meg. My GS also had a memory expansion card that I filled up to the max by using an XT's memory dip chips so most likely you can do the same. Nibble magazine used to have a program called dos plus which gave you two 400k dos 3.3 volumes on a 800k floppy. you can expand that GS like you would any //e or + except you dont need an 80 column card of course. the disk ][ drives you speak of can be used with a standard //e controller card if you like, or the apple // newsgroup members should be able to provide a pinout to cable those 20pin connectors to the unidisk port on the back of the computer.
Received on Tue Jun 20 2000 - 14:58:00 BST

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