Hello Bill
On 27-Jun-00, you wrote:
> Can anyone explain to me why a TRS-80 model 1 level 2, no expansion
> box or floppies, just the base unit, ps and monitor, would sell for
> $700 US? There were several bidders willing to go over $600.
> There are several more, more complete, systems on ebay right now in
> the $20-$60 range. There's also one with a $460 starting bid and
> no bidders. Is there something I'm missing on this one?
It is the same reason we pay a dollar for drinks at our fast food outlets,
and two dollars a gallon at the pumps. Too much money, too little schmarts.
> URL for the auction:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=359971659
> Bill
Gary Hildebrand
Box 6184
St. Joseph, MO 64506-0184
Received on Tue Jun 27 2000 - 17:06:49 BST