Getting into VAXing

From: Bill Bradford <>
Date: Wed Jun 28 19:01:05 2000

On Wed, Jun 28, 2000 at 06:02:56PM -0500, Charles P. Hobbs (SoCalTip) wrote:
> My only experience with VAXen was at a terminal in college and at a couple
> of jobs. The machine itself was always kept in its own, airconditioned,
> halon-fire-extinguisher equipped, raised floor room.
> So, should I jump into the fray?

I'd recommend starting with a machine such as a VAXstation 3100 or
4000-VLC, and then working to older bigger hardware from there...

I've currently got a VS3100 and a 4000-VLC (

I'd kill to have a 11/7x0 machine (I've got plenty of room for it),
but have yet not been able to find one available within a reasonable
distance (and have yet to find *any* DEC hardware available in


+-------------------\ /-----------------+
| Bill Bradford      | |
|  | |
| Austin, Texas USA  | |
+-------------------/ \-----------------+
Received on Wed Jun 28 2000 - 19:01:05 BST

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