Getting a good job

From: Pat Barron <>
Date: Fri Jun 30 09:56:46 2000

My advice for getting a good job (especially if you have a
"non-traditional" background, as I do - I don't have a degree either):
Network, network, network. Get aquainted with people in the industry you
want to work in - lots of people. Make yourself, and your skills, known.

I've only had a few jobs since I bailed out of school. In each of my
jobs, the manager hiring for the position had already knew who I was, and
had decided they wanted me before I even interviewed, and before they
ever saw a resume. In each case, the interview was just to make sure I
wasn't a total loon, and the resume was just a formality (I never even
sent a resume in here - though I was hired 10 years ago [before we were
aquired by the large corporation whose globally recognizable three-letter
name appears in my email header...] and don't think they could get away
with that level of "informality" these days).

I know several people who've gotten all their jobs this way, too.

Received on Fri Jun 30 2000 - 09:56:46 BST

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