Symbolics photos

From: r. 'bear' stricklin <>
Date: Wed Mar 1 00:05:19 2000

As promised:

Complete system-

The system cabinet next to an SGI Indigo2 for comparison-

How it all fits together inside-

The 8" 760 MB SMD disk, with a 3.5" 2 GB SCSI disk for comparison-

One of the 1 MW memory boards, with a pair of 32 MB SIMMs for comparison-

The processor board, with an SGI IP22 processor for comparison-

A billiard ball is depicted in the last two images for further context.
For reference, an SGI Indigo2 is approximately the size of an IBM 5150 PC,
but a bit more compact.

I powered it up for the first time this afternoon, or rather, I attempted
to. It blew the breaker.

So I pushed it across the house to a less busy circuit and plugged it in
there. It works, but the monitor needs to be adjusted, and it has some
software problems which I'm not sure yet how to fix. I'm pretty sure at
this point I can find the information I need in TFM so I won't bug the
list about it yet. Judging by the response to the intial message, though,
there aren't too many Symbolics gurus on the list anyway. (:

There you have it.

Received on Wed Mar 01 2000 - 00:05:19 GMT

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