[OT] Re: DSL Coming -- I may need help!

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Wed Mar 1 20:40:24 2000

<he provider, but they use AT&T for content and Sprint for the backbone. Wh
<I first got it, it was like having my own T1 for $40 per month. As they add
<more and more people, they began throttling the rates to fit more slots, an
<now limit uploads to 128K.

I've heard similar in this area. Also to get the bargan rate they want it
all and I'm not comforablt with them being the broker for phone, cable and
internet and they own little if any of the wire.

<You can't put a server on the line, several have tried and they've been kic
<off. They also forbid you to tunnel, although I occasionally do. Instead o
<tunneling through the $40 cable, they want you to buy _at_work, which is

Of course thats exactly what I'd want (or a IP masqurading router) and
also to hang my whole net here on it (vaxen, PCs and whatnot).

Received on Wed Mar 01 2000 - 20:40:24 GMT

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