Reverse-engineering for the computer collector

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Thu Mar 2 18:17:03 2000

On Mar 2, 16:19, Tim Shoppa wrote:
> I've recently put some effort into reverse engineering several
> PAL's and other (slightly) more complex programmable logic devices
> that have had their security fuse blown. Would folks here be
> interested in a general summary of the methods, pointers to
> tools and hardware, etc?

I certainly would -- I have a couple of small PALs to make backups of, and
whilst I could design some gubbins to read them, this would save me some
time and effort. And of course give me the incentive to get off my butt
and do something about them :-)

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Thu Mar 02 2000 - 18:17:03 GMT

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