TMS-7000 info needed

From: <(>
Date: Sun Mar 12 18:00:07 2000

I am looking for detailed information on the TMS-7000 microcontroller
from Texas Instruments. On the web information on this processor is
very scarce.
Among the many things I do is maintaining a web site for a Dutch Amateur
Radio museum. This museum sometimes receives old rigs from the national
PTT, so they can sell them to licenced radio amateurs. This way the PTT
does not have to scrap them, and the homebrewers get quality rigs cheap,
and the museum gets some well needed money.
This time the rigs are somewhat modern, they are controlled by the TMS-7000.
Rewriting the firmware of this rig should be enough to get it to work on
amateur frequencies. The museum already has a pledge from someone willing
to undertake this task, but he needs documentation on the processor. There
is already documentation about the rig, but this only covers the radio
part of the set, not the computer part.
Does anyone have detailed info on the TMS-7000, like instruction set,
appnotes, etc? This would be a great help.
Thanks in advance.

Kees Stravers - Geldrop, The Netherlands - My home page (old computers,music,photography)      Info on old DEC VAX computers
Net-Tamer V 1.08.1 - Registered
Received on Sun Mar 12 2000 - 18:00:07 GMT

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