Religious Experience at Computer Parts Barn

From: <(>
Date: Mon Mar 13 00:47:14 2000

The other day I was just pokeing in one of the warehouses. I picked up
this translucent board which looked like core ram initially. I showed it
to Ed who indicated that it was a memory 'board' but that I should look at
it more closely on it's axis. Rotating the board to allow the light to
shine through it along it's flat axis revealed a Forest of RUBY RODS wired
somewhat like ferric core. I was impressed.

Jeffrey S. Worley
Technical Services
Bits & Bytes Computer Services Inc.
1979B Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
828-684-8953 - voice 0900-1700 five days
828-687-9284 - 24hr fax
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
Received on Mon Mar 13 2000 - 00:47:14 GMT

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