The pinout for the connector is:
Looking at the connector (female) on the computer:
7 6
3 1
5 4
Sorry I am not practiced at making 'round' ascii... This is the pin
1. +5vdc
2. Shield
3. GRND (earth)
4. +5vdc
6. +5vdc
Ignore the shields, wire the grounds to a ground wire on a clone power
supply and wire the 5 volt from the clone supply to the three 5volt
inputs. The computer may or may not power on but if not it is easily
fixable. A lot of clone supplies require a fair load before they will
actually power on and deliver any significant current - the 130xe alone,
even mine with 576k and three os roms does not pull enough. The solution
is then to run your hard disks on the clone supply you are trying to power
the computer from. This is very convenient! I have been running my XL/XE
machines on clone supplies for so many years the supplies are rusty and
look ugly. Another cool thing is that the power requirements of a killer
Atari 8-bit machine are generally very low compared to the potential
output of a clone switching power supply. This means you can use supplies
which have failed due to FAN Failure. In other words, just use the good
supply with the bad fan. Demand is low so the heat dissipates by
convection and there is no need for the fan.
The above diagram came from the Atari 130xe's Owner's manual.
Jeffrey S. Worley
Technical Services
Bits & Bytes Computer Services Inc.
1979B Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
828-684-8953 - voice 0900-1700 five days
828-687-9284 - 24hr fax
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
Received on Sun Mar 19 2000 - 21:19:07 GMT