I received this piece of fan mail from someone who had
visited my Ancient Alphabetic Art page at
http://www.threedee.com/jcm/aaa/ .
It sounds like he's making an interesting video.
I'm sure he'd appreciate any insights from list members.
I haven't checked my archives to see if I have this
American Gothic image. If I don't, I might beg someone
to help him recover the files from his tape...
- John
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 16:47:48 -0500
>From: Douglas Harms <dharms_at_DEPAUW.EDU>
>Subject: Line Printer Art
>To: jfoust_at_threedee.com
>Hi! I'm on the faculty at DePauw University in Greencastle Indiana. One
>of the projects two of my students and I are currently working on is a
>video of an old PDP-11/10 I have. In the video several people go back in
>time to the 1970's to see the PDP-11 in action. (I know, it's pretty
>corny, but what can I say?) I'd like to create a 1970's era computer
>center environment for this portion of the video. One of the things I
>remember from my college days (in the 70's) is line printer art; I came
>upon your page at the Jefferson Computer Museum during my search and was
>quite impressed with the number of images you have in your collection.
>I'd like to print some images on our line printer and was wondering if any
>of your files are available for download.
>Any help or suggestions you could give me would be appreicated.
>p.s. I actually have a mag tape I made 22 years ago on a PDP-11/45 running
>RSTS that contains 10 overstrike pictures. Unfortunately, I don't seem to
>be able to read this tape anymore :-( Most of these pictures are probably
>duplicates of yours (playboy-type pictures, if I recall correctly), but one
>is a large image of American Gothic, which I didn't see in your list. If I
>am ever successful at reading these files I'd be happy to send them to you
>if you'd like.
>Douglas Harms, Associate Professor of Computer Science
>Department of Computer Science
>DePauw University
>Greencastle, IN 46135 ---------------------------------------
> | Hofstadter's Law:
>email: dharms_at_depauw.edu | Everything takes longer than
>voice: 765.658.4727 | expected, even when Hofstadter's
>fax: 765.658.4732 | Law is taken into account.
Received on Fri Mar 24 2000 - 09:54:57 GMT