PDP-11/23 deskside machine -DAMN

From: technoid_at_cheta.net <(technoid_at_cheta.net)>
Date: Fri Mar 24 15:15:35 2000

In <m12YYwO-000IyJC_at_p850ug1>, on 03/24/00
   at 04:15 PM, ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) said:

>> After putting the skins back on the machine it is giving me a ERROR 13 -
>> DU0 not ready error.
>> DAMN!

>Ouch, indeed :-(

>But are you _sure_ the drive is damaged? Most of the time something like
>this is caused by :

Not really. It sounds just fine.

>Knocking a DIP switch (or one of those frontpanel drive control switches
>on Qbus boxes) when refitting the case

>Knocking a cable out of place

>Traping (and damaging or shorting) a cable

>Shorting the logic board on the drive to the case (I've had this one once
> -- an RD53 would work upside-down on the bench but wouldn't work in the
>machine. Turned out it was shorting to the mounting skid when it was the
>right way up).

This last thing is for sure not the case but the others are possible and
when I get home I intend to hit each of them in turn. I hope it is a
setting and not something worse. The thing is that I had the thing
working, replaced the two metal hatches and slid it back into the plastic
outer case. No boards or cables were involved so I have to think it is
probably something worse than a setting or loose cable.

All very good advice though. Thanks all.

>I'd look for simple problems first...


Jeffrey S. Worley
Technical Services
Bits & Bytes Computer Services Inc.
1979B Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
828-684-8953 - voice 0900-1700 five days
828-687-9284 - 24hr fax
Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
Received on Fri Mar 24 2000 - 15:15:35 GMT

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