
From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Fri Mar 24 18:32:44 2000

<Well, the word from Netpliance is that they've locked out the ability to
<modify them. It looks like this is at least in part in the form of the
<following blurb, "Modification of the i-opener in any way is in violation o
<our terms and conditions". To which my answer is, sorry I don't buy that.

Same here since is was changed to say "against the terms and conditions".
To say the other is patently stupid.

<My guess is they made one of two changes, either the OS is better locked
<down, they removed the Hard Drive connector, or both. Of course it's also
<been theorized they did something nasty to the BIOS, that seems unlikely
<to me, but unfortunatly is possible.

Well the bios is AMI 4.51 and that easy to get, the connector is no big
deal and is the flash was converted to plain rom the introduction of an
IDE device defeats it. In fact from reports the interoduction of TWO
IDE devices elimintes it.

The rumor mongers have to do better.

I really want dos/MYZ80 running on one.

Received on Fri Mar 24 2000 - 18:32:44 GMT

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