Weird question, VAX VS4000/VLC

From: allisonp <>
Date: Mon May 1 17:19:12 2000

>Now for my wierd VLC question. DKA700 ?!?!? Shouldn't a disk set to SCSI
>ID #7 cause problems?

VAXen with SCSI seem for reasons I've forgotten to be always set as host at
so a device at 0-5 and 7 are ok. It wasn't until I'd seen PC SCSI that i'd
ever seen
a host at 7!

>step will be adding a 2GB HD (what the hey, it's the only thing bigger than
>the RZ23L in it that will fit that I don't currently have in use), and
>loading out VMS. I'm dying to see how DECwindows performs on this sucker!

It hauls! Check on this, I think that machime may not have the problem but
older SCSI vaxen have a limit of 1.07gb for the boot disk. Has to do with
how VMS uses the boot rom driver if it has to do a core dump on crash.

I run a VS3100M76 (7.8vup) and DW runs really well on it.

Received on Mon May 01 2000 - 17:19:12 BST

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