COSMAC 1802 Simulator

From: Mike <>
Date: Mon May 1 22:09:11 2000

Pretty funny.... Or I guess synchronistic, I guess. I just got my 1802
simulator past the first milepost tonight (It's two days old). It'll
process all the Cosmac's instruction's, show registers, and deposit to and
examine ram.

I could use a few beta testers if you happen to know cosmac machine code.

it's at:

Tomorrow night, I'll add arbitrary ram block saves and loads from disk and a
mini assember if things go fast. Eventally, I'll add a nice GUI to it and
clean up the code that I'm muddling around with.

- Mike:

-----Original Message-----
From: allisonp <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, May 01, 2000 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: COSMAC 1802 Simulator

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kirk Davis <>
>>Ugh - I spent some time writing a 1802 simulator
>>and wanted to get Tiny Basic going on it. I just went
>That was poor planning. ;)
>>though my manuals and I have the Basic manual, but have
>>seemed to lost the hex dump for the Basic Interpreter itself.
>Well if someone else doesn't drop a box of stuff on you I have
>Quest TB for the 1802 somewhere safe. I can zap a copy of
>the dump. But you can't have the paper tape!
Received on Mon May 01 2000 - 22:09:11 BST

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