VHS to MPG/AVI/Quicktime conversion?

From: Kirk Davis <kdavis_at_bender.ndx.net>
Date: Tue May 2 11:58:54 2000

> Bill Bradford said:
> > I've got the official Sun video tape of the SPARCstation 10...
> > Anybody on these lists have the ability to digitize/convert...
> I've been doing VHS -> AVI CD-ROM's
> for a couple of weeks now.
> So far the process is still fun.
> I've tested these works on everything from P-III's
> to 486-33's and am quite happy with the results so far.
> If your tape is < 65 minutes or so I can fit it on 1 CD.
> If less I can start upping the quality ( HxWxFrames/S )
> If more then the quality may be pretty low, or I can make
> two.
> Anybody out there have a good software MPG converter?

I've been playing around with making VCD's that I've
been able to play on a DVD players. I've looked at a
few software encoders. These make MPG1/VCD compliant

The best I've seen is the Panasonic. It's a plugin for
Premier. The Xing encoder is ok. It's standalone
and you can download a crippled demo from their website.

Hope this helps
Received on Tue May 02 2000 - 11:58:54 BST

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