COSMAC 1802 Simulator

From: <(>
Date: Tue May 2 15:39:22 2000

> I'm working a version of it and hope to have Linux
> ported to my elf tonight. It's that dang 1802 memory
> management that is holding me up

Memory management? It's a flat 64kb space.

> Was this for CP/M? I'd love to see a copy of this.

It was z80 binary that ran on most anything as it carried it's own IO
but I got it as a binary, it was on one of the sites out there many
millions of years ago. There was also an article in Byte (or maybe KB)
back then for an 8080 emulator for 1802.

What made the 8080 one interesting was X,P,T, D, DF and register stack
were displayed like in the RCA manuals in emulated time. So the need for
IO was no there.

Received on Tue May 02 2000 - 15:39:22 BST

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