Sorry for the self-promotion here, but I've made a lot of changes to my
web site dedicated to the Sol computer. Some of the list members
may be interested. In no particular order:
*) The list's very own Mike Noel was kind enough to scan two P.T.
Access newsletters from his collection. I've ocr'd one of them
and put it on-line. The second one is in progress. Check it out at:
*) Paul Schaper had the foresight to archive his collection of
sol cassettes back when he bought them. He has forwarded
the binaries to me, which can be had at this location (along
with the other programs that were already there):
*) the Sol web site has a new home. The old location
was hosted on a banner-ad supported free web site. Due
to the banner ads and the fact that I was running out of space,
the Sol pages have found a new home. If you are interested,
take a look here:
*) if you have been to the site before and want to know what has
changed, the history of changes are here:
Any suggestions, corrections, and donations can be sent to me,
Jim Battle ==
Received on Thu May 04 2000 - 02:01:45 BST